프로슈머,건강정보,소비자의 힘

[스크랩] 태양 빛을 피하라고요? 천만에!!

장백산-1 2011. 6. 28. 15:06

지금도 방송에서는 태양빛으로 인해 피부암이 발생하니 선크림을 바르고 되도록 태양노출을 하지

말라고 버젓이 말합니다. 그런데 비타민 D가 피부암을 이겨낼 생존 인자를 형성해주는 것이고요 

비타민 D는 암만이 아니라 인체의 면역을 강하게 만들어주고 각종 종양 세포를 제거하는 역할도

촉진한다는 사실이 미국 리드 대학 연구진의 발표입니다. 과연 방송과 제약 회사 광고를 믿어야

하나요? 아님 대학 연구진의 소리를 믿어야 하나요?

아직도 방송은 여름에 태양빛을 조심하라고 허방한 멘트를 흩뿌리지만 대학 연구진은 햇빛 속에서 조경과 

농작일을 하면 마치 저지방 식품을 섭취한 것이나 운동을 한것처럼 인체건강에 좋다고 조언합니다.

글구 만일 암병과 투병중이라면 절대 선크림을 바르지말 것을 권합니다. 암세포와 싸울수있는 비타민이

햇살속에서 만들어지니 말입니다.  

 Scientists reverse stance on sun and cancer: Now they admit sunlight can prevent skin cancer

Friday, May 27, 2011 by: Tara Green

(NaturalNews) Since the 1980s, physicians and cancer groups have regularly warned the public against the potential health dangers of direct sunlight on skin. As a result, many people have stayed out of the sunlight completely, covered their limbs even in warm weather or slathered themselves with UV protection products, all in the interest of lowering their risk of melanomas.

However, more recent findings indicate that this kind of nearly vampiric avoidance of the sun may not benefit your cancer odds after all.

A 2009 study by a group of Leeds University researchers found that higher levels of Vitamin D were linked to improved skin cancer survival odds. Other studies have found that Vitamin D has a connection to a strong immune response in the body. In fact, Vitamin D may hasten the death of tumor cells.

Unfortunately, most people have low levels of Vitamin D, leaving them at higher riskfor a host of diseases including breast cancer, prostate cancer, bowel cancer, cervical cancer, rickets and osteoporosis. (For more in-depth information on this, see this report: http://www.naturalnews.com/rr-sunli...)

"It's common for the general public to have low levels of vitamin D in many countries," said Professor Julia Newton Bishop of the Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine and author of the Leeds study. "Melanoma patients tend to avoid the sun as sunburn is known to increase the risk of melanoma. We use sunshine to make vitamin D in the skin, so melanoma patients' levels of vitamin D may be especially low."

Bishop also noted that people can get more Vitamin D through dietary sources such as fatty fish. She points out that balance is key, as extremely high levels of Vitamin D can have a negative effect on health.
The mainstream media continues to run stories every summer warning people against the sun even two years after the Leeds study. While hours of sunbathing may be risky behavior for your long-term health, receiving a moderate amount of sunlight while out gardening or walking is actually as good for you as eating a low-fat diet and engaging in regular exercise. In fact, laying off the sunscreen may help you not only absorb sunshine into your skin to help fight tumors, but also helps you avoid the chemicals in most commercial sun blocking products. Some studies have indicated that these chemicals can actually generate harmful free radicals in the body.

So this summer, relax, and enjoy the sunshine.

Sources for this article include:


[Colour fonts and bolding added.].

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