Network Marketing Checklist
By John P. Hayes, Ph.D.
Co-author (with Zig Ziglar), Network Marketing For Dummies
This report is especially for you, if you are interested in starting and building a profitable and satisfying network marketing business. By completing this checklist you are taking the steps that lead to success in network marketing. How well you fulfill each of these steps will ultimately determine your level of success. While Network Marketing For Dummies elaborates on many of the items on this checklist, there are many other resources that will help you, too.
This checklist is designed to help you clarify and identify the steps you need to take to make an informed decision about starting a network marketing company. Refer to this checklist often as you investigate and consider various opportunities. Remember: Investigate before you invest!
Evaluate Network Marketing As An Opportunity
_____ Read about network marketing, or multi-level marketing, to understand what it's all about. Network Marketing For Dummies is a great beginning, but there are many other valuable books, audiotapes, video presentations, and Web sites that are educational. Many of these resources are listed in Network Marketing For Dummies.
_____ Understand and never forget that success in network marketing occurs only after you follow a system. Often times, the operating system itself isn't nearly as important as you following the system! Make sure you find a system that works. But then make doubly sure that you follow it. Where there's no operating system, there's only chaos. Avoid any company that doesn't show you a system that works.
_____ Understand that network marketing is a method of distributing products and services; therefore, a successful and satisfied network marketer depends on strong and effective marketing. Does this mean you have to be an expert marketer? Not at all. It does, however, mean that the system you follow must include an effective marketing plan. Avoid any company that doesn't show you a marketing plan that works, or one that you can fulfill.
_____ Evaluate your compatibility with network marketing. It's not for everyone! However, anyone who has the desire to succeed in network marketing can do so. By reading about network marketing you will be able to discover the compatibility points that you want to be sure you possess.
_____ Identify industries (i.e. health and fitness products, toys, kitchen and household products, decorating products, business services, etc.) in which you would like to own a business. Some people think network marketing is only about selling pills or detergent. Not true. Many different industries use network marketing to distribute their products and services. What do you want to sell? Chances are there's a network marketing company that sells those products or services.
_____ Ask yourself: Is this a business that I will find personally and financially gratifying, assuming the business is successful?
_____ Refer to lists and directories of network marketing opportunities to help identify specific companies that you can contact. Not all network marketing companies belong to the Direct Selling Association, but the association's membership list is a good place to begin. It's at Read Network Marketing Lifestyles magazine for other opportunities. There are many other lists available on the Web.
_____ Make sure you want to work from home. Most network marketers operate from home. It keeps costs low, it's convenient, and it's a great way to spend more time with the family. However, not everyone is cut out to work from home! Look into it and make sure a business from home makes sense for you. Network Marketing For Dummies offers detailed information about this topic.
_____ Contact several network marketers and ask for information about their experiences. How much did it cost them to get involved? How long until they started earning a profit? What did they do, specifically, to earn that profit? What would they do differently, if they were starting over?
_____ Realize that there are at least 1,000 network marketing companies. You don't have to join the first one that's presented to you.
_____ Realize that your upline (the person who sponsors you and helps train you for the business) plays an important role in the operating system of the business. More importantly, realize that you do not have to sign up under the first person that recruits you and expresses the desire to sponsor you. You can, and should, investigate a potential upline and ultimately you should select your upline. Find out how successful the person recruiting you has been before you agree to be sponsored by him or her. Talk to some of the people this person has sponsored what do they say about the upline's skills, talents, commitment, willingness to help, etc.?
_____ Realize that most people who join a network marketing company never do anything! That is, they don't do anything successful within network marketing. They join and quickly lose interest. Avoid becoming a network marketing statistic. That's why this Special Report is valuable to you. It can save you from becoming a statistic.
Investigate The Network Marketing Company
_____ Read the company's sales literature, including brochures, booklets, etc. View videos and listen to audiotapes, if included. Visit the company's Web site.
_____ Evaluate the potential for this type of business in the area (state or country) where you would like to own the business. Yes, network marketing gives you the opportunity to build an international business, but to get started, chances are you will work locally. Plus, you will probably get training and support at local meetings.
_____ Investigate the industry this company represents. Is this a good time to get into this particular type of business? What will the industry look like in five to ten years? What will be the market for the company's products and services in the future?
_____ Make an appointment to visit the company's headquarters. Be prepared to ask questions! If you can't visit the company's headquarters, at least attend several of the company's meetings. It's important to meet with members of the company's executive or corporate team.
_____ Be sure you understand and agree with the mission and values of the company. If the company doesn't have a mission and values, find another company!
_____ How good are the company's products and services? Have you tried them? If not, do! Make sure you will feel comfortable selling these products/services.
_____ Try to picture you as a network marketer within this company. Can you see yourself working this business? How does it feel? Can you represent the products or services enthusiastically?
_____ Interview industry and network marketing specialists about the company. What's the good and the bad? What's been written about this company in trade publications?
_____ Does the company have an effective Internet presence? If not, why not?
_____ What do the company's existing network marketer's say about the company's commitment to them, to their needs, to communication, to product development, etc.? Does the company always pay its distributors on time?
Evaluate The Financial Requirements & Opportunity
_____ Determine how much money you can afford to invest in a business. This is a business, by the way. Network marketing is not a hobby. You can work it as a hobby if you want, but then it's not a business. If you want to build a business, how much capital do you have to invest? Some network marketing businesses require less than $100 to get started, while others may cost you $500 to $1,000 or more. What can you afford?
_____ Make sure you know the start-up costs as well as any ongoing monthly fees or requirements. Some recruiters will tell you, It's only $49.95 to get started in our business, and while that's true, they don't tell you that you'll also have to spend $100 (or more) monthly to remain active in the business. Get all the financial details.
_____ Identify and understand the financial commitments required by the company.
_____ How much money will you have to spend before the business begins generating commission or bonus money that you can call earnings, or profit?
_____ If you need to borrow money to get started in this business, what will be the source of that money?
_____ Create a financial plan for owning and operating the business. Ask existing network marketers to help you, and/or to review your information for accuracy and relevancy.
_____ Examine your projected return on investment. Is it satisfactory to you? Will it be worth the time and money you will invest?
_____ Many of the financial answers will be found in the company's Compensation Plan. Be sure to get a copy of it and read it. You may not understand it the first few times you read the Comp Plan. That's okay. Get familiar with the basics, at least, so that you understand how money is generated in this business.
Last Steps
_____ Consult with professional advisors, including an accountant and a lawyer. You may not need to meet at length with these professionals' at least not until you start making some big money and you may even be able to put off these meetings until you're involved in the business and earning some money. However, be on the safe side. Get as much information, guidance and help as possible
_____ List the reasons why you want to become a network marketer.
_____ know how, ask me and I'll tell you about the greatest goal-setting program available!
_____ you'll either succeed or fail in business. You don't have to be a great sales person to succeed in network marketing. You don't have to be shrewd, cunning or manipulative. But you do have to market. Do you have to be a marketing genius? No. But you still have to market! You need to develop a marketing plan that is compatible with your products/services and with your own skills and personality.
_____ Find a business, join and get started!
If you would like additional help, ideas and guidance about network marketing, please contact me at your convenience.
This report does not provide counsel or advice. The report is not intended for the purpose of investing in a business. It is a tool that may be helpful in the process of evaluating an opportunity prior to investing in it. No one should invest in any business based solely on this report. Investing in a business is a serious matter that requires thorough investigation of the opportunity, the company, the products and services, and related topics. Network marketing is not for everyone. Consult with a business attorney and an accountant prior to investing in a business.
Copyright, 2001, John P. Hayes, Ph.D.
6612 Dupper Court, Dallas, Texas 75252 Phone: 972-985-8044
Zig Ziglar as your online mentor for motivation and education, 24/7! Visit ZigOnline by going to This is Zig's new Web site and it's loaded with hours of audio messages from Zig. ZigOnline is also an affiliate program ask me for the details about building your own business with ZigOnline.
By John P. Hayes, Ph.D.
Co-author (with Zig Ziglar), Network Marketing For Dummies
This report is especially for you, if you are interested in starting and building a profitable and satisfying network marketing business. By completing this checklist you are taking the steps that lead to success in network marketing. How well you fulfill each of these steps will ultimately determine your level of success. While Network Marketing For Dummies elaborates on many of the items on this checklist, there are many other resources that will help you, too.
This checklist is designed to help you clarify and identify the steps you need to take to make an informed decision about starting a network marketing company. Refer to this checklist often as you investigate and consider various opportunities. Remember: Investigate before you invest!
Evaluate Network Marketing As An Opportunity
_____ Read about network marketing, or multi-level marketing, to understand what it's all about. Network Marketing For Dummies is a great beginning, but there are many other valuable books, audiotapes, video presentations, and Web sites that are educational. Many of these resources are listed in Network Marketing For Dummies.
_____ Understand and never forget that success in network marketing occurs only after you follow a system. Often times, the operating system itself isn't nearly as important as you following the system! Make sure you find a system that works. But then make doubly sure that you follow it. Where there's no operating system, there's only chaos. Avoid any company that doesn't show you a system that works.
_____ Understand that network marketing is a method of distributing products and services; therefore, a successful and satisfied network marketer depends on strong and effective marketing. Does this mean you have to be an expert marketer? Not at all. It does, however, mean that the system you follow must include an effective marketing plan. Avoid any company that doesn't show you a marketing plan that works, or one that you can fulfill.
_____ Evaluate your compatibility with network marketing. It's not for everyone! However, anyone who has the desire to succeed in network marketing can do so. By reading about network marketing you will be able to discover the compatibility points that you want to be sure you possess.
_____ Identify industries (i.e. health and fitness products, toys, kitchen and household products, decorating products, business services, etc.) in which you would like to own a business. Some people think network marketing is only about selling pills or detergent. Not true. Many different industries use network marketing to distribute their products and services. What do you want to sell? Chances are there's a network marketing company that sells those products or services.
_____ Ask yourself: Is this a business that I will find personally and financially gratifying, assuming the business is successful?
_____ Refer to lists and directories of network marketing opportunities to help identify specific companies that you can contact. Not all network marketing companies belong to the Direct Selling Association, but the association's membership list is a good place to begin. It's at Read Network Marketing Lifestyles magazine for other opportunities. There are many other lists available on the Web.
_____ Make sure you want to work from home. Most network marketers operate from home. It keeps costs low, it's convenient, and it's a great way to spend more time with the family. However, not everyone is cut out to work from home! Look into it and make sure a business from home makes sense for you. Network Marketing For Dummies offers detailed information about this topic.
_____ Contact several network marketers and ask for information about their experiences. How much did it cost them to get involved? How long until they started earning a profit? What did they do, specifically, to earn that profit? What would they do differently, if they were starting over?
_____ Realize that there are at least 1,000 network marketing companies. You don't have to join the first one that's presented to you.
_____ Realize that your upline (the person who sponsors you and helps train you for the business) plays an important role in the operating system of the business. More importantly, realize that you do not have to sign up under the first person that recruits you and expresses the desire to sponsor you. You can, and should, investigate a potential upline and ultimately you should select your upline. Find out how successful the person recruiting you has been before you agree to be sponsored by him or her. Talk to some of the people this person has sponsored what do they say about the upline's skills, talents, commitment, willingness to help, etc.?
_____ Realize that most people who join a network marketing company never do anything! That is, they don't do anything successful within network marketing. They join and quickly lose interest. Avoid becoming a network marketing statistic. That's why this Special Report is valuable to you. It can save you from becoming a statistic.
Investigate The Network Marketing Company
_____ Read the company's sales literature, including brochures, booklets, etc. View videos and listen to audiotapes, if included. Visit the company's Web site.
_____ Evaluate the potential for this type of business in the area (state or country) where you would like to own the business. Yes, network marketing gives you the opportunity to build an international business, but to get started, chances are you will work locally. Plus, you will probably get training and support at local meetings.
_____ Investigate the industry this company represents. Is this a good time to get into this particular type of business? What will the industry look like in five to ten years? What will be the market for the company's products and services in the future?
_____ Make an appointment to visit the company's headquarters. Be prepared to ask questions! If you can't visit the company's headquarters, at least attend several of the company's meetings. It's important to meet with members of the company's executive or corporate team.
_____ Be sure you understand and agree with the mission and values of the company. If the company doesn't have a mission and values, find another company!
_____ How good are the company's products and services? Have you tried them? If not, do! Make sure you will feel comfortable selling these products/services.
_____ Try to picture you as a network marketer within this company. Can you see yourself working this business? How does it feel? Can you represent the products or services enthusiastically?
_____ Interview industry and network marketing specialists about the company. What's the good and the bad? What's been written about this company in trade publications?
_____ Does the company have an effective Internet presence? If not, why not?
_____ What do the company's existing network marketer's say about the company's commitment to them, to their needs, to communication, to product development, etc.? Does the company always pay its distributors on time?
Evaluate The Financial Requirements & Opportunity
_____ Determine how much money you can afford to invest in a business. This is a business, by the way. Network marketing is not a hobby. You can work it as a hobby if you want, but then it's not a business. If you want to build a business, how much capital do you have to invest? Some network marketing businesses require less than $100 to get started, while others may cost you $500 to $1,000 or more. What can you afford?
_____ Make sure you know the start-up costs as well as any ongoing monthly fees or requirements. Some recruiters will tell you, It's only $49.95 to get started in our business, and while that's true, they don't tell you that you'll also have to spend $100 (or more) monthly to remain active in the business. Get all the financial details.
_____ Identify and understand the financial commitments required by the company.
_____ How much money will you have to spend before the business begins generating commission or bonus money that you can call earnings, or profit?
_____ If you need to borrow money to get started in this business, what will be the source of that money?
_____ Create a financial plan for owning and operating the business. Ask existing network marketers to help you, and/or to review your information for accuracy and relevancy.
_____ Examine your projected return on investment. Is it satisfactory to you? Will it be worth the time and money you will invest?
_____ Many of the financial answers will be found in the company's Compensation Plan. Be sure to get a copy of it and read it. You may not understand it the first few times you read the Comp Plan. That's okay. Get familiar with the basics, at least, so that you understand how money is generated in this business.
Last Steps
_____ Consult with professional advisors, including an accountant and a lawyer. You may not need to meet at length with these professionals' at least not until you start making some big money and you may even be able to put off these meetings until you're involved in the business and earning some money. However, be on the safe side. Get as much information, guidance and help as possible
_____ List the reasons why you want to become a network marketer.
_____ know how, ask me and I'll tell you about the greatest goal-setting program available!
_____ you'll either succeed or fail in business. You don't have to be a great sales person to succeed in network marketing. You don't have to be shrewd, cunning or manipulative. But you do have to market. Do you have to be a marketing genius? No. But you still have to market! You need to develop a marketing plan that is compatible with your products/services and with your own skills and personality.
_____ Find a business, join and get started!
If you would like additional help, ideas and guidance about network marketing, please contact me at your convenience.
This report does not provide counsel or advice. The report is not intended for the purpose of investing in a business. It is a tool that may be helpful in the process of evaluating an opportunity prior to investing in it. No one should invest in any business based solely on this report. Investing in a business is a serious matter that requires thorough investigation of the opportunity, the company, the products and services, and related topics. Network marketing is not for everyone. Consult with a business attorney and an accountant prior to investing in a business.
Copyright, 2001, John P. Hayes, Ph.D.
6612 Dupper Court, Dallas, Texas 75252 Phone: 972-985-8044
Zig Ziglar as your online mentor for motivation and education, 24/7! Visit ZigOnline by going to This is Zig's new Web site and it's loaded with hours of audio messages from Zig. ZigOnline is also an affiliate program ask me for the details about building your own business with ZigOnline.
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