우리가 상상하거나 명상할 때 어떤 비젼을 보는 경우가 있는데요 그것이 대뇌 아래에 위치한 송과체 Pineal gland가 한다는 사실을 아시는가요? 영화 매트릭스의 마지막편에 보면 주인공 네오가 전투중에 눈을 잃어버립니다. 그런데 시각을 잃어버린 그는 어찌된 일인지 상대방을 빛의 존재로 보기 시작하며 눈없는 자가 눈있는 악당과 싸워서 물리치는 장면이 나옵니다. 그런데 이것이 제 3의 눈이라는 송과선의 역할이었다 합니다.
현생인류는 어떤 이유 때문에 송과체가 줄어들어 있어서 마음의 눈이랄가 영혼의 눈이랄가 하는 제 3의 눈을 개안하는 것이 힘들게 되어있습니다. 그런데 그런 비젼은 보지못하더라도 송과체가 빛을 받아서 활성화 되어있어야지만 제기능을 하는데요 그 기능이 뇌하수체 호르몬 작용을 개시케하는 매우 중요한 일을 하는 것입니다. 거기서 몸의 전체적인 균형을 잡고 생리화학작용이 진행되도록 한다는 것입니다.
최근에 선글래스를 쓰는 사람이 많이 있는데요 그 경우에 송과체로 유입될 빛의 량이 제한되어서 송과체가 제 역할을 하지못합니다. 또 너무 실내 생활을 하거나 또는 컴터 모니터만 들여다 보는 학생의 경우도 제대로된 태양 자외선이 송과체로 들어오질 못하니 역시 인체 홀몬분비에 장애가 생기고요 눈에 보이지않는 세포 전자파 조율작용도 장애를 받는다는 것입니다. 아, 이제 선글라스는 치워버려야 겠습니다. 괜히 폼잡다가 몸만 쭈그러들 판이니까요..
Wearing Sunglasses Can
Affect Your Pineal Gland By in5d.com Apr 12, 2012 - 4:26:51 AM |
More and more people are wearing sunglasses, even if the sun is not shining bright and I see also that little children (toddlers) have sunglasses on. I remember an article by Dr. Ornstein in the Let’s live Magazine in October 1980 were it is explained that Sunlight is very important, day light is very vital. The Creator provided for our emotional and physical health by giving us the Pineal Gland and commanding "Let there be Light "
The Pineal Gland is an active, secreting gland throughout life. Natural, unfiltered sunlight is necessary for the proper functioning of this gland. Light as conscious electromagnetic energy from the sun enters the body through the optic nerves of the eyes which, in turn, directly stimulates the pineal gland, a photo reactive organ. The pineal gland converts light energy into an electrochemical impulse which feeds directly into the hypothalamus.
The hypothalamus is that part of the brain which mediates all of the vital processes of the body via its immediate and direct connections to the pituitary gland and the autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus is filled with light sensitive cells which convert the electromagnetic signal of light into a neurochemical impulse which is then carried directly into the pituitary Gland. The pituitary , in turn, elaborates and secretes hormones within the body, thereby maintaining homeostasis. Learning all this makes us think when to wear sunglasses and also not to put them at little children’s eyes.
The eyes are able to adjust to sunlight much more then we give them credit for. When we work in facilities with artificial light during the day then we can agree that people are not getting enough natural light. One statement that Dr. Ornstein made in his article mentioned before.
Another source also questions the correlation between sunglasses and the pineal gland.
In the book Nature's Detox Plan - A Program for Physical and Emotional Detoxification By Roy Mankovitz, it is stated that "The downside to wearing sunglasses is that it interferes with a portion of the endocrine system involving the pineal gland, which is light responsive. We do not fully understand the operation of the pineal gland, but from what we do know, you do not want to mess with it." (page 145)
The following was published in a recent article on Seasonal Affective Disorder:
Limit the amount of time you wearing sunglasses because sunglasses limit the light traveling from the eyes to the pineal gland.
Eyeglasses and contact lenses rob you of energy by blocking some of the ultra violet rays that travel through the eyes to the pineal gland, writes Patricia McCormac.
More documentation: The Pineal gland is the switch for the pituitary gland, which controls aging. Melatonin is the key hormone the Pineal gland produces.
More sunlight exposure during the day is one approach for increasing melatonin production. Be sure to take off your glasses including sun glasses when getting sun light because the Pineal gland is stimulated by the light through the eyes.
Besides giving you raccoon eyes, have you ever wondered about the correlation between wearing sunglasses and the amount of light that reaches your pineal gland?
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