
천안함 침몰 : 우리는 사기당하고 있다.

장백산-1 2010. 5. 28. 14:14

스모킹건 조작됐다
번호 155145 글쓴이 까뮤 조회 12591 등록일 2010-5-27 18:07 누리1428 톡톡0

The Sinking of the Cheonan: We Are Being Lied To 
천안함의 침몰 : 우리는 사기당하고 있다.


Posted on May 24, 2010 by willyloman by Scott Creighton

영국의 프리랜서 라이터인 스콧 크레이튼(Scott Creighton)이 2010년 5월24일 포스트 한 글이다.

There is no doubt about it, there is no longer any reason to hold back, I have looked at the “evidence” and have concluded that we are being lied to, again, by our “leaders” in the White House in order to fabricate a measure of moral justification for yet another “regime change” campaign or an all out war with North Korea.

의심의 여지가 없었고, 나는 (말 안 하고) 참고 있을 수가 없다. 나는 증거를 보았고, 우리가 사기당하고 있다고 결론을 내렸다. 다시 말해서 백악관에 있는 우리의 지도자들에 의해서, 북한 몰아내기 혹은 또 다른 ‘전제정권의 교체’(이라크의 경우처럼 없는 근거 세워 독재정권 몰아내기)의 도덕적 정당화의 수단을 지어내기 위해 백악관의 지도자들에 의해 사기당하고 있다고 결론 내렸다.


There simply is no “perfect match” like the recent unsigned report claims there is.

근거를 대지 않고 ‘그랬다더라…’ 식의 최근 기사와 이렇게 완전히 일치하는 것도 없다. (조선일보 같은 놈이 거기도 있단 얘기)

The White House said Monday that President Barack Obama “fully supports” the South Korean president and his response to the torpedo attack by North Korea that sank a South Korean naval ship. MSNBC

백악관은 월요일 말하기를 오바마가 남한 대통령 새끼의 말 그리고 그의 주장, 남한의 초계함을 침몰시킨 북한의 어뢰에 대한 반응이랍시고 한 짓들 그걸 죄다, 완전히 지지한다고 했단다.


South Korea’s president said Monday his nation will no longer tolerate North Korea’s “brutality” and said the regime would pay for a surprise torpedo attack that killed 46 South Korean sailors.  ABC News

월요일 남한 대통령 새끼가 말하기를 ‘대한민국은 더 이상 북한의 만행을 용납하지 않을 것이고, 북한 정권은 남한의 46명을 죽인 어뢰 기습공격에 대한 대가를 치르게 될 것이라고 씨부렁거렸다.


North Korea has denied responsibility for the sinking of the South Korean warship, the Cheonan, on March 26, which left 46 sailors dead. A growing body of evidence assembled by the South has suggested a North Korean torpedo sank the ship.  New York Times 

46명의 승무원이 돌아가신 3월 26일 천안함 함선의 침몰과 관련해서 북한은 어떠한 관련도 부인했다. 남한 당국에 의해 점점 쌓아올려 지는 증거의 더미는 북한의 어뢰가 배를 침몰시켰다고 암시해왔다.

The Growing Body Of Evidence
점점 쌓아올려 지는 증거의 더미

Clinton told reporters the evidence announced Thursday that North Korea sank the Cheonan “is overwhelming and condemning.”

힐러리 클린턴은 목요일 기자들에게 말하기를 “북한이 천안함을 침몰시켰다는 것은 압도적으로 분명하다…”고 말했다.


… Daniel Pinkston, a North Korea expert with the International Crisis Group, a multinational not-for-profit organization, said Friday that evidence that North Korea caused the sinking is “pretty irrefutable.” Stars and Stripes

… Daniel Pinkston 이라는 다국적의 비영리 국제위기재단(연구단)의 북한전문가 또한 금요일 말하기를 북한이 침몰을 일으켰다는 증거는 상당히 반박의 여지없다고 했다.

The International Crisis Group was founded by World Bank Vice-President for External Affairs, Malloch Brown and is funded by other globalist institutions. Their stated mission is to “prevent” international conflict yet somehow or another they always seem to come up with suggestions involving invading other nations or imposing strict sanctions like the kind that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children. Oh yeah, the nations they target usually have a state-owned central bank system… till we invade that is.

국제위기재단(연구단)은 부총재 Malloch Brown에 의해서 해외문제(미국입장에서 해외)를 다루기 위해 세워졌으며 현재는 세계주의적인(세계통합화를 추구하는) 연구기관들에 의해 자금 운영되고 있다. 그들의 겉에 내놓고 말하는 임무는 국제분쟁의 예방이지만, 어찌어찌 수리수리 마수리 하여, 그들은 항상 “남의 나라를 침략하거나 혹은 ‘수십만의 이라크 어린이를 살해하는 짓’에 대한 뚜렷한 인가”를 내리는 등의 혐의를 항상 받고 있다. 그렇다. 그자들이 목표로 삼는 나라들은 거의 항상 그들 나름의 발권체제(즉 세계은행의 지배에서 좀 벗어나서 영향을 덜 받는)를 가지고 있는… 그런 공통점이… 우리가(미국놈들이) 침략할 때까지는… 늘 그런 고유의 발권체제(세계은행의 영향을 받지 않는 것)를 가지고 있었던 것이다.


So lets take a look at all the “overwhelming” and “irrefutable” evidence. 1. Someone wrote “number 1.” on one single piece of the salvaged torpedo… 2. they claim the torpedo remains are a “perfect match” of a North Korean type of weapon, a “CHT-02D” torpedo.  This conclusion was reached via an international research team from US, the UK, Australia, and Sweden.  Here is their May 20th, 2010 report.  In the report, they make the following conclusion;

자 그러니, “너무도 압도적으로 반박의 여지가 없다는” 그놈의 증거 좀 살펴보자. 첫째, 누군가가 “1번 (역자주- 닛뽄?, 일본놈? 발음 비슷하네, 일본 찍으면 전쟁 난다! 우쒸 )”이라고 인양된 어뢰 한 쪼가리에 썼다. 둘째, 그들은(명박일당… 국뻥부) 우기기를 어뢰잔해가 북한의 ‘CHT-02D’와 완전히 일치한다고 한다. 이것은 “미국, 영국, 호주, 스웨덴의 국제팀에 의해 도달된 결론이다. ” 여기 그 보고서가 있다. (역자주- 여기 보고서 있으니 읽어봐!) 보고서에서, 그들은 다음과 같이 결론 내린다 :

The torpedo parts recovered at the site of the explosion by a dredging ship on May 15th, which include the 5×5 bladed contra-rotating propellers, propulsion motor and a steering section, perfectly match the schematics of the CHT-02D torpedo included in introductory brochures provided to foreign countries by North Korea for export purposes. The markings in Hangul, which reads “1번(or No. 1 in English)”, found inside the end of the propulsion section, is consistent with the marking of a previously obtained North Korean torpedo.

5월15일 쌍끌이 어선에 의해 사고장소에서 발견된 어뢰잔해는(그 잔해는 프로펠러들, 모타, 방향타, 그런 것인데) 북한에 의해 어떤 제3의 국가에 제공된 소책자에 담긴 ‘CHT-02D’의 얼개와 딱 맞는 그런 어뢰잔해였다. 추진체의 끝 부분에서 발견된 한글로 “1번”이라 쓰인 표시는 예전에 북한의 어뢰에서 얻어진 표시와 딱 맞는 것이다.


…  Based on all such relevant facts and classified analysis, we have reached the clear conclusion that ROKS ”Cheonan” was sunk as the result of an external underwater explosion caused by a torpedo made in North Korea. The evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that the torpedo was fired by a North Korean submarine. There is no other plausible explanationInvestigation on the Sinking of the Cheonan

… 그 모든 관련증거와 분석에 입각해서, 우리(국뻥부 합조단)는 대한민국 천안함이 북한이 만든 어뢰의 수중폭발의 결과로 침몰했다는 결론에 이르렀다. 증거들은 명백히 어뢰가 북한의 잠수함에 의해 발사되었다는 결론이다. 있을 수 있는 다른 설명은 없다. (한국 국뻥부의 보고서가 여기 인터넷에 떠있으니 봐라, 한국 국뻥부의 천안함 침몰 조사 보고서가 여기 있으니 볼 테면 봐라)

That’s it. That’s all their “evidence” that the international investigators presented in their UNSIGNED report. That’s right, no one knows who the “investigators” were since they didn’t take the time to sign their work.

바로 요거다. 이게 바로 “국제합동조사단”이 “사인도 안 하고” 제출한 보고서에서 제출한 증거란다. 그려, 도대체 어떤 놈이 조사했던 놈인지… 그 자슥들이 자기들이 지은 글에 서명할 짬을 내지도 않았기에… 아무도 조사했단 놈이 누구인지 모른단다.

A Perfect Match?
딱 (북한 어뢰, CHT-02D) 맞다 고라 고라 고라고?

This is the presentation refered to in the paper linked above. They mention that during a presentation of their findings, they showed the schematics of a CHT-02D torpedo in relation to the evidence they found. They claimed in their investigation that these are a “perfect match” and that claim is being repeated endlessly on both sides of the fake political divide. (please click on image for a larger view)

이것(밑의 것)이… (위의 국뻥부의 사이트에 가보면)링크된 보고서에 나온 자료다. 그들(국뻥)은 자기들이 발견한 것을 대중들에게 보여주면서, 발견한 증거와 CHT-02D의 얼개가 어떻게 맞아떨어지는지 보여줬다고 한다. 그들(국뻥)은 조사해보니(우기기), 아주 딱 맞더란다. 그리고 그런 거짓말이 끝없이 정치적 거짓말로 반복된다. (다음 그림을 확대해서 보시려면 클릭하세요.)





This is by no means a “perfect match”.  No wonder they didn’t want to sign that “investigation” of theirs. (please click on image for a larger view)

이거 “전혀” 맞지 않아요. (그러니) 국제 조사관들이 지들이 조사했다는 “조사보고서”에 사인하고 싶지 않았다는 것이 뭐 그리 놀랄 일도 아니죠. (크게 보려면 그림 클릭하세요)





There are 4 clear differences in the design of these weapons and one is without a doubt, the key to proving these are not the same.

설계도면과 스모킹 건은 4가지의 분명한 차이점이 있습니다.


* “A” & “D” – Here you can clearly see major differences in the design of the hub of the propellers. In the diagram above you can see it has a smaller hub whereas in the evidence below it, the hub is larger.

A와 D를 보세요. 도면에서 프로펠러 축이 더 작은데 실제 사진에서는 더 큽니다.


* “B” – The actual shape of the propellers is very different. You can see a notch in the diagram above that doesn’t exist in the actual evidence propeller below. The overall shape of the blades are vastly different as well, both the front and the rear propeller sets.

B를 보세요. 도면과 실제 모습이 많이 다릅니다. 도면에서 표시한 부분(볼록 들어간 부위)이 실제 어뢰에서는 아예 없습니다. 프로펠러의 전반적인 형태가 앞 뒤 모두 다릅니다.


All of this might be explained away by suggesting that these propellers were switched out. Thought it might be possible, remember that these are finely tuned and designed systems; one just can’t switch these hub designs “willy nilly” like one would on their John-Boat. But, that aside, though it may be possible to have put different kinds of propellers on this fish, it is certainly NOT a “perfect match”.

이 점에 대해서는 프로펠러를 바꿔 끼운 것이 아니냐고 할지도 모릅니다. 하지만, 어뢰는 정교하게 디자인된 시스템이라는 걸 기억하세요. 1인승 소형보트처럼 닥치는 대로 바꿔 끼울 수 있는 게 아닙니다. 하지만, 프로펠러를 바꿔 끼웠다고 하더라도 설계도면의 어뢰와 발견된 어뢰는 절대 일치하지 않습니다.



Now, the last point proves they are not the same torpedo.

자, 이제 마지막 부분이 전혀 다른 어뢰라는 걸 보여줍니다.


* “C” - As you can plainly see, the stabilizers (or propulsion system?) in the diagram above are clearly shown IN FRONT of the separation plate as it is lined up in the display with the evidence below. However, the torpedo below houses that same stabilizer (or propulsion system) BEHIND the separation plate (separating the body and the tail section of the torpedo).

C를 보세요. 위 설계도면의 안정장치(혹은 추진장치?)는 분명히 분리판 앞쪽에 있습니다. 하지만, 밑의 어뢰에서는 똑같은 안정장치(혹은 추진장치)가 분리판(어뢰 몸통과 꼬리 부분을 나누는 판) 뒤쪽에 있습니다.


This is a major difference that cannot be explained by saying it was some kind of after market modification. This is part of a key design of the workings of these weapons and can not have been changed. This difference clearly indicates these are different weapons altogether.

이것은 단순한 디자인 변경으로는 설명되지 않는 주요한 차이점입니다. 이것은 이러한 무기가 작동되는 핵심 디자인의 일부이며 변경될 수 없는 것입니다. 이러한 차이는 이 두 어뢰가 서로 다른 종류라는 것을 분명하게 보여줍니다.



(there are other differences that have been pointed out to this researcher; “Jan” noticed that the axle shape is tapered on the evidence and straight on the diagram. A good point. There are probably others as well (I noticed a difference in the shape of the “fin” in the guidance section in the back as well…. clearly there is no way to say these are a “perfect match”)

(이 연구결과에 대해 여러분이 지적해주신 다른 차이점들도 있습니다. Jan은 실제 어뢰의 축 모양은 점차 가늘어지는데 도면에서는 직선이라고 지적했습니다. 좋은 지적입니다. 다른 것들도 있을 겁니다. (저는 유도장치 부분의 지느러미 모양이 다르다는 것을 알아차렸습니다. 확실히 이 두 어뢰가 일치한다고 말할 수는 없습니다.)

It is no wonder the “investigators” chose not to sign their work.

조사단원들이 서명을 거부한 것도 무리는 아닙니다.

※ 번역은 jnhn님과 까뮤님(어뢰 부분)이 해주셨습니다.

The Forgotten Investigation

On May 6th, 2010 a report came out conducted by South Korea and others that said the torpedo’s metal and explosive residue indicated that it had come from a German origin.

The team of South Korean and foreign investigators found traces of explosives used in torpedoes on several parts of the sunken ship as well as pieces of composite metal used in such weapons, South Korea’s Yonhap news agency said quoting a senior government official.

The metallic debris and chemical residue appear to be consistent with a type of torpedo made in Germany, indicating the North may have been trying to disguise its involvement by avoiding arms made by allies China and Russia, Yonhap quoted the official as saying.  REUTERS News Agency

This report has been all but forgotten by the media and the Clinton led state department as they press for crippling sanctions and perhaps more. But there is a confirmation of sorts in the May 20th unsigned “investigation”.

The first thing they should do, rather than attempt to convince the people that the two are “perfectly matched” in design (when they clearly aren’t) is a chemical and metallic debris analysis of the evidence.  The May 20th “investigation” does not make mention of this crucial part of the investigation at all… they don’t mention it at all

The reason for that is clear; if they were to address these two key scientific points, they would have to have admitted that the science shows these pieces of evidence are of German construction and therefore not of North Korean origin.

By ignoring these two important parts of the investigation, the May 20th paper confirms the earlier work of the May 6th study… the torpedo is of German origin.

The “CHT-02D” Torpedo

An earlier report stated that there were only 4 different types of North Korean torpedos that could have caused this damage.

Type EO-6 and ET-80A “Some experts downplayed the possibility of homing torpedoes, citing the low capability of North Korea’s Sang-O (Shark) class submarines.”

Russian Type 53-56

Russian Type 53-59

There had been no mention of the CHT-02D torpedo, and in fact, this researcher can’t find any information on this torpedo aside from links to this story. There is various info on all the other types of North Korean torpedos, but there seems to be none on this one. Why is that?  According to the official unsigned report this torpedo is “listed in a brochure” as something North Korea sells, but they do not offer the brochure nor a link to where it can be found. I am still looking for other sources on this matter.

But it appears this weapon came out of no-where.

In a paper I wrote yesterday I questioned whether or not the German-made DM2-A3 looked more like what was found.

The DM2 A-3 version is also used by the Norwegian Ula class (German Type 210 subs) with an option for a later upgrade).  The Italian Type 212 B submarines use the DM2 A-4 version. The Israeli Dolphin-class (German Type S-300) are also being equipped with the DM2 A-4 Torpedo.” 

It is only a possibility but it is of German design. More investigation into the schematics of this weapon are needed before any conclusion can be reached.

Questions Being Asked

Most MSM and “progressive” parrot websites are running with the “evil North Korea” story without any investigations what-so-ever.  But questions are being asked on a few sites.

Democratic Underground has compiled a list of issues surrounding the “official story” and they deserve to be reviewed.  They bring up some very good points and I would hope that someone who posts there might provide them with a link to this study of mine.  “What if North Korea didn’t fire the torpedo?”  Democratic Underground

They bring out many points that I have not addressed here that need to be. one such point is that North Korea vehemently denies the allegations and they have asked to see the evidence inspect it themselves and they have been denied access to it.


It is clear that we are being lied to and manipulated into believing that North Korea is behind the sinking of the South Korean vessel, the Cheonan.  It is impossible to draw conclusions at this time as to who is responsible but we can conclude based on the evidence, that the official story is yet another lie being pawned off on the American people. This lie is obvious and could be used to instigate military action against the people of North Korea.

55 Responses

  1. Nicely done with very good research.

    Since the beginning of this, I have been suspect. From the onset it looked like a staged event of some sort. I believe they would have known long before now where this explosion came from (if there even was an explosion).
    Basically, one cannot trust a single thing our government officials tell us. It IS that far gone.

  2. U.S. Govt. + MSM = LIARS. Case closed.

  3. here we go again!!!