You are a three-fold being.
You consist of body, mind, and spirit.
You could also call these
the physical, the non-physical, and the meta-physical.
This is the Holy Trinity,
and it has been called by many names.

That which you are, I am.
I am manifested as Tree-In-One.
Some of your theologians have called this
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Your psychiatrists have recognized this triumvirate and
called it conscious, subconscious, and superconscious.

Your philosophers have called it
the id, the ego and the super ego.

Science calls this energy, matter, and antimatter.

Poets speak of mind, heart, and soul.
New Age thinkers refer to body, mind, and spirit.

Your time is divided into past, present, and future.
Could this not be the same as
subconscious, conscious, and superconscious?


Space is likewise divided into three:
here, there and the space between.

It is defining and describing this "space between"
that becomes difficult, elusive. The moment you begin
defining or describing, the space you describe becomes
"here" or "there". Yet we know the "space between" exists.

It is what holds "here" and "there" in place
- just as the eternal now holds
"before" and "after" in place.

These three aspects of you are actually three energies.
You might call them thought, word, and action.
All three put together produce a result
- which in your language and understanding is called
a feeling, or experience.

Your soul (subconscious, id, spirit, pas, etc.) is
the sum total of every feeling you've ever had (created).
Your awareness of some of these is called your memory.
When you have a memory, you are said to re-member.
That is, to put back together.
To reassemble the parts.

When you reassemble all of the parts of you,
you will have re-membered Who You Really Are.

The process of creation starts with thought
- an idea, conception, visualization.
Everything you see was once someone's idea.
Nothing exists in your world that
did not first exist as pure thought.

This is true of the universe as well.

Thought is the first level of creation.
Next comes the word.
Everything you say is a thought expressed.
It is creative and sends forth creative
energy into the universe.

Words are more dynamic (thus, some might say more creative)
than thought, because words are a different level of vibration
from thought.
They disrupt (change, alter, affect)
the universe with greater impact.

Words are the second level of creation.
Next comes action.

Actions are words moving. Words are thoughts expressed.
Thoughts are ideas formed. Ideas are energies come together.
Energies are forces released. Forces are elements existent.
Elements are particles of God, portions of All,
the stuff of everything.

The beginning is God.
The end is action.
Action is God creating - or God experienced.

Your thought about yourself is that you are not good enough,
not wonderous enough, not sinless enough,
to be a part of God, in partnership with God.
You have denied for so long Who You Are that
you have forgotten Who You Are.

This has not occurred by coincidence;
this is not happenstance.
It is all part of the divine plan
- for you could not claim, create, experience
- Who You Are if you already were it.

It was necessary first for you to release (deny, forgot)
your connection to Me in order to fully experience it
by fully creating it - by calling it forth.

For your grandest wish - and My grandest desire - was
for you to experience yourself as the part of Me you are.

You are therefore in the process of experiencing yourself
by creating yourself anew in every single moment.
As am I. Through you.

Do you see the partnership?
Do you grasp its implications?
It is a holy collaboration - truly, a holy communion.

Life will "take off" for you, then, when you choose for it to.
You have not so chosen as yet.
You have procrastinated, prolonged, protracted, protested.

Now it is time that
you promulgated and produced what
you have been promised.
To do this, you must believe the promise, and live it.
You must live the promise of God.

Ah... here is where you get hung up.
You can accept "His son," "offspring," "likeness,"
but you recoil at being called "His equal."
It is too much to accept.
Too much bigness, too much wonderment
- too much responsibility.

For if you are God's equal, that means nothing is being
done to you - and all things are created by you.

There can be no more victims and no more villains
- only outcomes of your thought about a thing.

I tell you this:
all you see in your world is the outcome
of your idea about it.

Do you want your life to truly "take off"?
Then change your idea about it.
About you.

Think, speak and act as the God You Are.


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